
Reports (deliverables)



For an overview of the first year’s results, see the summary of the annual report year 1.

Science Data Infrastructure Roadmap

Deliverable 2.2

18 June 2010

Keywords: Roadmap, science, data, infrastructure, business models, components

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview and initial details of a number of specific components, both technical and non-technical, which would be needed to supplement existing and already planned infrastructures for science data. The infrastructure components presented here are aimed at bridging the gaps between islands of functionality, developed for particular purposes, often by other European projects, whether separated by discipline or time. Thus the infrastructure components are intended to play a general, unifying role in science data. While developed in the context of a European wide infrastructure, there would be great advantages for these types of infrastructure components to be available much more widely.

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Insight Report

Deliverable 3.6

18 June 2010

Keywords: Insight, preservation, survey, questionnaire, interview, results, research, publishing, data management, funding, discipline, data, sharing, publication

This report (deliverable 3.6 of PARSE.Insight) describes the overall results of the surveys and interviews conducted by PARSE.Insight to gain insight into digital preservation of research output in Europe. Major surveys were held within three stakeholder domains: research, publishing and data management. In addition, several interviews have been conducted together with desk research to gain insight into research funding and policies around preservation of research output; they provided us with interesting insights in the current state of affairs in digital preservation of digital research data (including publications), the outlook of data preservation, data sharing, roles & responsibilities of stakeholders in research and funding of research.

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Case Studies Report

Deliverable 3.3

31 May 2010

Keywords: Case study, High energy physics, Earth observations, Psycholinguistics, Book studies, e-Infrastructure, Long-term preservation, Scientific data, Data sharing, Open access, Data generation, Data reuse, Research data, Raw data, Digital archiving

This document summarises the results of the in-depth case studies on digital preservation in particular scientific disciplines carried out in the framework of the PARSE.Insight project. The case studies are intended as a supplement to the general surveys that were also con-ducted by the project. The case studies addressed two disciplines in “hard sciences”, High Energy Physics and Earth Observation, and two within social sciences and humanities, Psycholinguistics and Book Studies. The investigations which are described provide new insight into the current state, needs and aspirations for long-term preservation of digital data in these disciplines, and contribute to the roadmap for the future infrastructure to sup-port this aim.

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Survey Report

Deliverable 3.4

9 Dec 2009

Keywords: Insight, preservation, survey, questionnaire, results, research, publishing, data management, fund-ing, discipline, data, sharing, publication

This report describes the results of the surveys conducted by PARSE.Insight to gain insight into research in Europe. Major surveys were held within three stake-holder domains: research, publishing and data management. In total, almost 2,000 people re-sponded; they provided us with interesting insights in the current state of affairs in digital preservation of digital research data (including publications), the outlook of data preservation, data sharing, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in research and funding of research.

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Graphs of all survey results are made available at:

Questions of the three distributed surveys:

Final Gap Analysis Report

Deliverable 4.3

21 June 2010

Keywords: Visual Gap Analysis, Tool Support, Publisher Gap Analysis, Libraries Gap Analysis, Vision on preservation

Deliverable 4.3 presents the final results of the gap analysis on digital preservation in Europe performed within the PARSE.Insight project. Gap analysis refers to the identification and in-terpretation of gaps between the current situation and what is necessary to enable secure long-term preservation of digital assets, with respect to particular groups of stakeholders.
Previous deliverables from this Work Package introduced the approach and tools for gap analy-sis, and applied them to one group of stakeholders, namely publishers of scientific journals. This deliverable reports on the gap analysis with respect to a different group of stakeholders, members of LIBER (the Association of European Research Libraries). It also updates the gap analysis for the publishers. By applying to two different groups, the approach is validated, and may thus be applied in different contexts.
The results confirm the insights on existing gaps within long-term preservation and foster a better understanding of their relevance and impact. The gap analysis tool offers a helpful method for discovering gaps, evaluating their relevance, and starting a discussion within and across communities on how to close them. The gap analysis thus supplements the roadmap and supports the project objectives by engendering awareness, developing knowledge, pro-moting implementation, and by accentuating the role of commitment towards a long-term preservation infrastructure.
The results are synthesized, by means of illustrative scenarios, into a set of conclusions that feed into the PARSE.Insight roadmap for the infrastructure of digital preservation in Europe.

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Draft Gap Analysis Report

Deliverable 4.2

3 Nov 2009

Keywords: Visual Gap Analysis, Tool Support, Publisher, Front-End, Lead-User Stakeholder-group

This report presents four results:

  • The developed tool for visual gap analysis based on the surveys of WP3
  • Domain-specific knowledge on the lead-user stakeholder-group1of publishers
  • The application of the framework and tool for the stakeholder-group of publishers
  • Identified Gaps

Based on the concept defined in D4.1 a software prototype has been implemented that enables an interactive and visual analysis of gaps. These gaps are identified according to the developed framework based on the survey data (WP3). Via a simple interface you can now perform an intuitive drill-down into the data with real-time visual analysis feedback.

Domain specific knowledge on the analysed stakeholder-group is necessary to configure the tool and to contextualize the results (see also D4.1). To do so, a lead-user stakeholder-group (“Publisher”) was selected for undergoing the gap analysis process. Within two expert workshops the domain was thoroughly explored delivering not only the required input for the tool but also valuable additional insights into the preservation issues of this stakeholder-group.

Using the domain specific knowledge the tool was configured and applied to the data of the publisher survey from WP3. This deliverable describes the results of this first testing of the framework and the tool.

The identified gaps of the lead-user stakeholder-group in general and specific Gaps in sub-areas are discussed. The next and final step is to validate the results of this draft re-port with the lead-users and feedback their input into the tool development. The results deliver valuable insights on existing gaps within long-term preservation and a better understanding of their relevance and impact. The gap analysis tool offers a helpful instrument for discovering gaps, evaluate their impact and relevance, and start a discussion within and across communities on how to close them.

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Interim Insight Report

Deliverable 3.5

14 Sept 2009

Keywords: insight, case study, survey, results, high energy physics (HEP), earth observation (EO), social sciences and humanities (SSH)

This document is an interim version of the Insight Report, a deliverable of the PARSE.Insight project which is due early 2010. It presents some of the highlights of the surveys and case studies done by PARSE.Insight project members over the past months. The results provide evidence for the ideas presented in the PARSE.Insight Roadmap and lay bare existing barriers in the preservation preserving and sharing of research data. This report is intended to stimulate discussion on the interim conclusions and help the PARSE.Insight project refine them. At the end there are a series of questions, arising from the surveys to date, that the project team hopes will act as a focus for debate.

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Second Draft Roadmap for Science Data Infrastructure

Deliverable 2.1

18 May 2009, version 1.1

Keywords: roadmap, infrastructure, scenarios

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview and initial details of a number of specific components, both technical and non-technical, which would be needed to supplement existing and already planned infrastructures for science data. The infra-structure components presented here are aimed at bridging the gaps between islands of functionality, developed for particular purposes, often by other European projects, whether separated by discipline or time. Thus the infrastructure components are in-tended to play a general, unifying role in science data. While developed in the context of a European wide infrastructure, there would be great advantages for these types of infrastructure components to be available much more widely.

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Survey and forum platforms

Deliverable 3.1

19 May 2009

Keywords: Survey, Survey Platform, Forum Platform

For the general survey and the case study surveys of WP3 several platforms for the design of a survey and collection and analysis of responses were reviewed and evaluated. This document records the results of the review and evaluation process and explains and justifies the choices made. In addition it describes the process of developing and maintaining a forum for the exchange of information about digital preservation in Europe’s science communities.

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Inventory of communities

Deliverable 3.2

19 May 2009 (updated 9 June 2010)

Keywords: Actor, stakeholder, discipline, community, funder, policy maker, preservation, research data, publisher, researcher, target group, interactive map

The purpose of the deliverable Inventory of communities is to identify the com-munities in long-term preservation of digital data that are of interest to PARSE.Insight, to describe their tasks and responsibilities and to enumerate the key players, which will be visualized in an interactive map. Furthermore, it points out how PARSE.Insight will reach the several actors in order to perform the general survey and the in-depth studies.

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Specification of Gap Analysis Schema and Tool Support

Deliverable 4.1

19 May 2009

Keywords: Gap Analysis, Gap Analysis Framework, Tool Support, Gap Types, Front-End

This deliverable describes the development of the gap analysis schema and correspond-ing tool support. First a gap analysis framework was developed, thus eliciting and struc-turing the relevant dimensions and corresponding attributes for future e-infrastructures into a formal schema. Then a stepwise procedure was developed for conducting the gap analyses, providing methods and metrics to identify gaps within the European preservation infrastructure, although later broadened somewhat top include gaps in a broader science data infrastructure. Finally an appropriate tool support for the gap analysis was conceptu-alised. This included aspects of modelling, data management, data analysis and reporting. The developed gap analysis framework encompasses two dimensions: firstly the life-cycle of scientific data including production, publication, storage and re-use of scientific data and secondly the types of gaps in the diffusion of long-term preservation within scien-tific communities. According to our framework an awareness-gap arises, when the exis-tence of a problem or solution is not known; a knowledge-gap arises if existing solutions are not known; an implementation-gap arises, if existing solutions are known, but not in-stalled; a commitment-gap exists if the implemented solutions are not used or avoided. For performing community and industry specific gap analysis a concept for IT support of the stepwise procedure was developed, which helps to identify and visualizes gaps within the data gathered in WP3.

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Sustainability Workshop report

Deliverable 6.1

19 May 2009

Keywords: Audit of digital repositories; certification of digital repositories

This document describes the work undertaken within PARSE.Insight to further the development of a pair of standards on which an audit and certification process for digital repositories can be based.

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Dissemination plan

Deliverable 7.1

19 May 2009

Keywords: Dissemination, Logos, Website, Dissemination material, Mailing lists, Dissemination actions, TWiki, Forum, Meetings, Website, Digital Library, external Conferences, Workshops

The purpose of the Dissemination plan is to point out the main dissemination initiatives and strategies of the Project PARSE.Insight covering the whole duration of the project. This report lists the dissemination events in detail which cover the dissemination to the public at large and the communication among the project partners. Furthermore, it describes the material to be used for various dissemination tasks.

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Draft Roadmap for Science Data Infrastructure

Deliverable 2.1

27 March 2009, version 1.0

Keywords: roadmap, infrastructure, scenarios

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview and initial details of a number of specific components, both technical and non-technical, which would be needed to supplement existing and already planned infrastructures for science data. The infra-structure components presented here are aimed at bridging the gaps between islands of functionality, developed for particular purposes, often by other European projects, whether separated by discipline or time. Thus the infrastructure components are in-tended to play a general, unifying role in science data. While developed in the context of a European wide infrastructure, there would be great advantages for these types of infrastructure components to be available much more widely.

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