APARSEN has studied a number of areas in which the existence of preservation services makes a real difference to the uptake and performance of long-term preservation.
Annotation, reputation and data quality
The broad topic of annotation, reputation and data quality is an important area in the context of the permanent access to scientific data, not least, because excellent science can build only on high or at least known quality data. Annotation, in general terms, is information added to data and it may be argued that all kinds of metadata are special types of annotation. High quality data is an essential condition of excellent science.
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Authenticity and provenance
Authenticity is the degree to which a person or system regards an object as what it is purported to be. Authenticity is judged on the basis of evidence which consists of Provenance Information. This information provides the origin or source of the Content Information, any changes that may have taken place since it was originated, and who has had custody of it since it was originated. Provenance may be divided into Technical (information automatically recorded by software) and Non-technical provenance (information about the person in charge of the Content Information).
APARSEN has carried out a review of authenticity systems and is developing methods for creating evidence for the evaluation of authenticity which will be trusted by users.
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Storage solutions
A study was made of storage solutions at a range of sites of APARSEN partners, to identify technological options and relate them to the needs of particular types of repository.
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Persistent identifiers and citability
The persistent identification of digital, and human, resources is a crucial issue for the whole information society. Location, discoverability and citability of resources, ranging from raw data to datasets to publications, and people depend on Persistent Identifiers . Some notable experiences have emerged in different domains, like URN in use by research institutes and libraries (NBN) or DOI in use by publishers and libraries, but some weak points still remain. APARSEN aims at developing an Interoperability Framework and Reference Model for an effective interoperability between persistent identifier systems.
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Audit and certification of repositories
Evidence that a repository can be considered trustworthy over the long term can be vital in obtaining the confidence of users and funders. Within APARSEN, a number of test audits were conducted against ISO 16363 and DIN 31644 to gain experience in the audit process.
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