
We bring together the community of stakeholders in digital preservation. There are various ways of categorising them.

APA identifies:

  1. Research organisations, one of whose major tasks is to carry out research, or their umbrella organization;
  2. Funding organisations, one of whose major tasks is to fund research or related activities, or their umbrella organization;
  3. Major libraries and repositories;
  4. Museums and archives
  5. Publishers in all fields of research, scholarship and technology, or their umbrella organization;
  6. National coalitions of organisations engaged in the curation and preservation of digital records;
  7. Universities and academic institutions;
  8. Commercial organisations and vendors;
  9. Governmental organisations.

APARSEN added:

  1. APARSEN project partners
  2. External Advisory Committee
  3. EU-based Networks, Coalitions, Member organisations and Project Groups
  4. DP practitioners, especially Memory and Archival institutions
  5. Stakeholders outside the DP-community
  6. International Liaison

Digital preservation related events